The Southern Humboldt Community Park is a common space for the community to use and enjoy. Our goal for the Park is to become a hub for community activities and events. We hope to provide the public with the recreational opportunities and services that you want . In turn, we need community participation. Here are some ways you can get involved:

We are always on the lookout for volunteers from the community to help make our goals into reality. Visit our Volunteer Page for current volunteer opportunities and a sign up form! We welcome your participation.
Would your business or organization like to become an Event Sponsor or Partner with the Park in some way? See our current list of sponsors here! Contact Laura Cochrane, Executive Director, at

New Projects! Do you have a dream for our community or for another great cause? Read “How to Start a New Project at the Park“ and propose your ideas to the Board of Directors for approval.
Visit our “Start a Project” page for more information and guidelines.
Sohum Community Park News!
Social Feeds provide the most up-to-the-minute news and event information! Follow our Facebook Feed here or check out our Facebook Page.

Donations! We gratefully accept donations. Your support helps maintain and create new opportunities for recreation, culture, agriculture, education and celebration. Your Donations ensure the enjoyment and conservation of the Park’s scenic, historic and natural resources for generations to come.